Greetings! Here we have an artist that’s become a regular in my performances lately. I feel like, DÉ DÉ MOUSE has some of the most distinct productions around. There’s nothing quite like this, and it’s a pleasure to call this producer a friend and bring him onto Disco Droppings for a conversation.

DD: What have been the most challenging aspects of learning to produce your own tunes?

DDM: It’s always a series of challenges. However, the big challenge for me was the production of the album “farewell holiday!“. It was very difficult to balance my signature style with oldies music.

DD: What have been the most memorable ways supporters have described your music?

DDM: One and Only.

DD: Do your albums usually take a similar amount of time to create?

DDM: I made “farewell holiday!” over 3 years. I made “be yourself”, “nulife” and “dream you up” in a year. the 1st album took over 4 years. Making an album is always challenge for me. And I wanna take on new challenges every time.

DD: Do you enjoy video games? Have you ever thought about a video game where you make the music? What might that look like?

DDM: I have loved video games since I was a kid. I especially like Metroid, Final Fantasy, Wizardry, Tactics Orga, KOF, Street Fighter and more. I’m currently making a BGM for a game called “World Flipper”. And I’m writing songs for rhythm games such as Beatmania and Dancerush Stardom. I am very pleased that my music is loved by game fans. I love RPGs, so it would be great if I could make the music for RPG.

DD: How would you describe the visual elements of your art? Like the artwork for instance, and other visuals you may incorporate.

DDM: I think of themes and stories with making music. This is very important to me. the artwork is connecting story and music for me. I love abstract art and abstract music of course. However, in the project “DÉ DÉ MOUSE”, It’s depended on the theme of my album to connect story and music.

DD: What is your current production set up? How has it evolved from when you started, and where do you see it heading in the future?

DDM: Ableton Live 11, Steinberg CUBASE 11. I make music just on my macbook only. And I’m working on a macbook speaker (no speakers in my studio). I made music by using a Roland synthesizer and an Akai sampler at the beginning. However, I found it’s very convenient to use a PC for music production to reduce the time of equipment maintenance. I love the evolution of technology and the vintage, so that one day I’ll start making music with both.

DD: Do you have any favorite songs to play on piano that are not your music?

DDM: I’ve used Debussy’s “Clair de Lune” and “Arabesque no.1”. But now I hardly play the piano.

DD: How do you stay motivated?

DDM: I feel every day like I wasted a day if I didn’t make any music. I make music in cafes and restaurants during the day. I also go for walks and cycling.

DD: What would you say to those interested in becoming an artist and/or being more creative and expressive?

DDM: Believe in yourself more than anyone else. And listen to people’s stories. Not everyone needs to be the same. Shape your world.



– Jimi Jaxon