Archives for the month of: April, 2012


Man, first Actress with the mesmerizing “R.I.P” LP, and now we have a gem from Lone out very very soon. His “Galaxy Garden” album will be released through R&S on May 6th, 2012. Stream the whole album via Hypem

Lone – Soundcloud Facebook Twitter

– Jimi Jaxon



Herobust sent this over, I like it. Sunday chillin’.


Herobust – Facebook Soundcloud

– Jimi Jaxon


My label, 7 Deadly Records welcomes the incredibly talented Seazo to the team. The “Flush” single will be released on a pay-what-you-want basis through Bandcamp on May 28th, 2012. I talk with him about his many music projects below! And if you’re in Everett tonight, I’ll be playing at Jade Garden. This set will feature Minerva, Artek, Admin, James Arctic, Cedaa, Seazo, Kid Smpl and Mirror State, all artists recently featured on Disco Droppings. 


DD Hello Johan, how are you? 

S Hi mate! I’m fine, thank you for asking.

DD You’ve been very busy over there in Norway. Could you talk a bit about some of your recent projects? 

S That’s true, I’ve been working on a lot of projects these days. One of them includes a new binaural track. I’ve been taking binaural recordings of smashing lightbulbs, screws and bolts and other fun stuff in an empty subway station, in order to achieve a vast natural reverb and atmosphere. I’ve been working on that track for months now, and are still only halfway through, due to lack of time and some really complex sound editing.

Besides of that, I’ve also entered the VJ field, where I’ve experienced a lot of new opportunities and inspiration. It gives me the ability to create artistic animations, and even control them live, which I think is awesome. It started with some custom 3D effects for my friends Lemâitre’s scene sculptures. Unfortunately we haven’t been able to shoot some good films of it yet, but there is a teaser out there: 

and a small paper-version test..

I also did VJ effects for a metafusion event, which was really fun to do..


And like that wasn’t time consuming enough, I’ve also started to explore M4L, where you are able to program/patch your own scripts, synths, and plugins in Ableton Live. It’s a really great future, and I’m planning to patch up a Live set for this summer, where I want to achieve a flexible “make music on the fly” setup, connected with my APC40, MPD32 & a Launchpad.

It’s even possible to “rewire” M4L with Resolume (VJ software) which means that I might be able to do a Visuals+music show at the same time in the future =]

DD Me and you and have talking back and forth for a while now, preparing your “Flush” single for release on 7 Deadly Records. I’ve played the track out at my show with Car Crash Set a little while ago, and plan to also include in my two hour set on 5.5. Such an expansive and energetic production! How would you describe the style and feel of this track? 

S I’m really happy to read that you like my productions mate. For me, Flush feels like a sky-blue, frosty track, and I think it welds some of my very old trance productions well together with my new glitchy sound. 

DD 7 Deadly will also release an EP from you sometime in the near future, how is that coming along? What do you hope to present with this collection of songs? 

S I have no idea of when and what that will be. I just follow what inspires me, which has always been unpredictable.

DD Last words?

S Keep up the good work mate, wish you all good!

Seazo – Facebook Soundcloud

– Jimi Jaxon


Chill 4ever with Future Dollars, of the 6BIT Collective. They got a nice lil EP out called 10,000 Didgeridoos  go listen! 

DD I love the nostalgic feel of your music, Welcome to Disco Droppings guys. I can see why Dreams and Future Dollars are on 6bit together. What got you interested in going this sonic route with your productions?

Sam Thanks. It happened kind of by accident. We both have really eclectic tastes, and in a couple places where those styles overlap, this is how it translated. We got started and then kept going. 

Jake Yeah they just kind of came about from us try to channel our wide range of influences. I really like toying with the idea of trying to sonically capture a certain feeling or memory. Sometimes it leads to something interesting. 

DD What inspires you most about being in the 6bit collective?

S For me it’s really about the enthusiasm. Those guys are some of the most excited dudes about almost all kinds of music. If we were to put out the worst, most derivative dance album, the rest of the collective would, sure, maybe try and say something, but they’d have our backs no matter what. I’m not saying they don’t have a filter for what’s good or not, they just keep a really good game face and are always really receptive to the stuff we send them.  

J I’m really into the whole production community aspect of it. We all send each other demos and shit to get feedback. Everyone is also super mature and professional about it so if they understand what you’re trying to do they’ll be completely honest with you with regards to how it can be better. And turning each other onto different shit is cool too. 


DD I listened through samples of your “10,000 Didgeridoos” EP, which was just released on April 10th, 2012. Congratulations, it’s a solid collection of songs and I like the artwork a lot. How would you describe this release? Who designed the artwork? 

S Thanks. This release is more or less the product of a few experiments. We were venturing into a lot of unchartered musical territory, like doing some of it on to reel to reel tape. We were trying to make music from a different approach than we were used to, and experimenting with aspects of the recording process that we were unfamiliar with. It really changed the end result. The artwork was done by a friend of ours, Enzo Shalom. Check him out, he’s worth it. 

J I think we tested ourselves a lot with this release. I never expected us to do a lot of the things we did with this record. DO NOT SLEEP ON ENZO SHALOM

DD Talk a bit about A Sol Mechanic, the artist you collaborated with on the “Theme From Future Dollars” track..

S Well it sort of came as a surprise. A Sol Mechanic is a childhood friend of Jake’s and they’ve made music together for years. They share and work on music across coasts all the time, so when Jake sent him an early version of “theme from,” it wasn’t entirely clear about whether this was just to listen to and give feedback or to collaborate on. A few days later he sent it back, but a longer version including vocals and a few other tracks he’d done. We both listened to it and loved the changes. We decided we were keeping it and credited him on the song.  

J Me and David (A Sol Mechanic) go way back, I think about ten or eleven years. I’m pretty sure we met while playing handball in third grade. We had been really close friends, and we learned about a lot of really important music at the same time and linked up to start a band when we were really young. Eventually we grew tired of playing three-chord punk music and wanted to start making songs that sounded like The Knife and Aphex Twin. We were like thirteen/fourteen so we didn’t really have any idea of how to do that so we bought some synths and started playing around. Today we still send each other everything we work on and I am constantly in awe by his tracks, all of them are insanely beautiful. Look out for an EP I did with him under the name Widest Turns that should be out around late summer or early fall. 


DD I applied for the Red Bull Music Academy 2012, and if I’m accepted I’ll be heading to New York for the first time. What’s it like over there? Where do you guys like to hang out/see shows? 

S We live upstate about an hour or so but if you’re in the city, you shouldn’t miss out on a visit to McSorley’s or Luke’s Lobster Roll.

J I like playing pool at Sophie’s Bar and eating Numpang with.  

DD Last words?

J S/O and Respect to tha homies.

Future Dollars – Facebook Soundcloud 

– Jimi Jaxon 

Thanks to Rustie, I found Obey City. His tracks “Work Move” and “Fallin” are both featured in his Essential Mix. I couldn’t find these tunes outside the mix, but I’ve included some rad Obey City productions with his interview for Disco Droppings.


DD Both of us have applied for the Red Bull Music Academy 2012. Best of luck to you! I be your demo was very impressive. What attracted you to RBMA, and who would you like to learn from in the artist lectures? 

OC Thanks man, good luck to you as well. RBMA just seems like an ideal place to learn more about music production and the industry. The artists who have attended have gone on to do great things and the lecturers they bring in are top class. Plus they always pick a great city to host it. I’m sure all of the lecturers they bring will be amazing, but I think I said my top three dream lecturers would be Aphex Twin, Quincy Jones and Prince.

DD Did you know in advance you’d be featured in Rustie’s Essential Mix? I’ve been following him for a little while, and following up his album release with the Joker and Surkin remixes is soo incredible. 

OC No I had no idea, in fact someone texted me to tell me I was included before I even got a chance to listen myself. It’s one of the most impressive mixes I’ve heard in a long time and it was a really great feeling to be a part of it.


DD Where is the ideal place to experience Obey City live? 

OC I think it’s probably less about where and more about who is there, because I think the crowd really has the ability to change the vibe of the entire club/bar/space. However, a spot with a great sound system and some trippy lights wouldn’t hurt.

DD What releases do you have in the works? 

OC I am currently working on two EPs and a bunch of remixes to be released through a couple different labels. I like to keep people guessing though, so it’s all secrets for now.

DD Do you have a crew you enjoy hanging with? Some of other artists that compliment your mindset? 

OC Yes! My crew is Astro Nautico out of Brooklyn, which also serves as a label and blog that I help run with Kuhn and Paul Jones. All of the artists we release on the label are of the same mindset and I think we all compliment each other nicely. Additionally, I’m really feeling the vibes from Team Bear Club in Kansas and the Broke City Crew out of Brooklyn.

DD Last words?

OC Thanks for the interview, keep on rocking in the free world & doot doota loo doo.

Obey City – Facebook Twitter Soundcloud 

– Jimi Jaxon